The story of one overworked, overwhelmed working mom who wants to be a real artist....whatever that means.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

This week, plus February wrap-up

Today I'm printing dream catcher instructions and cards, and trying to get getting 3 orders out the door. I really want to update the cards, but at the rate I'm going, I needed to print more to use before I'll have time to re-design them.

For February:

Sales: February's total sales were $130 from the website, and $90 from the dream catcher class I did at Convocation. total, $220. Same month last year, $68.

That's an improvement, certainly.

Website: nada. I need to make this a priority; there are pictures ready to go, I just have to get them put up.

Research: I researched artist groups, and looked into joining a local one, although their meeting times are about impossible for me to make.

Art: Other than orders, nothing. We've all been sick - my son is on his 3rd illness in 5 weeks - and that's taken a huge toll on available time.

Other: Organization of the space continues...mostly in terms of sorting feathers. I need to either take some options off the website, or find replacements for them, because on a few colors I'm getting down to the last of the ones I have.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

a late update

Sunday I got almost caught up on orders. My son has been sick with a string of illnesses for 5 weeks now, and this is making getting anything else done nearly impossible. Ugh!  I still need to do a Feburary wrap-up - hopefully that'll be done this weekend.