The story of one overworked, overwhelmed working mom who wants to be a real artist....whatever that means.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

well then...

I've had 3 potential wholesale opportunities drop into my lap in the last 48 hours.

I'm not sure whether to take it as a sign to do more art, or as a sign to stop doing art all together and run away...

Ah well. I guess we'll see how they pan out. I'm approaching each with straight forward no-nonsense guidelines meant to protect me from bad deals, and we'll see what happens.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

this week's hour

Tonight: packed up four orders totalling 8 kits.

Not included in this week's tally: over an hour hunting craft stores for things people ordered that I'm out of stock on and that are apparently no longer readily available.


Monday, April 4, 2011

this week's 90 minutes


3 orders consisting of 5 dream catcher kits, completed and ready to ship.
2 orders consisting of 4 dream catcher kits, laid out except for the things I'm missing. Shopping list made.
Contemplated a new jewelry idea; not sure I've got time or resources to put it together.

In general:

We're trying to be more mindful of evening computer time. Hopefully that will mean more time to get things art. We shall see.

Friday, April 1, 2011

March summary

A big part of this month has been a bust on every front - both my son and I have been sick more than we've been well, and it's taking its toll on getting anything done.

Sales: March last year, sales were $200. This year, $155. Still, not bad for no promotional work on my part.

Website: Still nothing. We're going to be away this weekend, and I'm hoping to get some time to sit and work.

Research: None.

Art: Other than orders, nothing.

Other: I have a pretty good list now of what I need to order, component wise, to get things back in line, and  what things to take off the website.