The story of one overworked, overwhelmed working mom who wants to be a real artist....whatever that means.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

An actual 15 minute day

At lunch today, I researched networking opportunities. The Detroit area has something of an art renaissance going on, and while I don't have a lot of free time for joining in, I've found the following groups that I'm going to look into more:

Image & Arts Council of Troy - they're local to me, but their meetings are on weekday afternoons, which is hard for this working mom to manage.
Handmade Detroit - among other things, they produce several craft fairs each year
Michigan Artisans - They produce several shows and have an online presence as well. I need to get the website more up to date before applying here.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

consistency: none

well, so far I'm failing on the consistency front. No artwork for more than 2 weeks.

This afternoon I got one order completed. To be fair, it was 6 dream catcher kits, but still.  I started on a second order, but ran into a list of things I'm short on. This week I will try to get into one of the local wholesale craft supply shops, especially since I'm teaching 2 craft workshops at a festival this weekend.

I also went rather OCD this afternoon and started sorting feathers. Not that they haven't been in mixed bins for *years* mind you, but it's just now starting to annoy me. I'm not entirely sure why the organization of my little office/studio has become such an issue, but if it makes things go more smoothly, I'm all for it.