The story of one overworked, overwhelmed working mom who wants to be a real artist....whatever that means.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ack! No progress in a week!

This is why I need accountability.

In all seriousness, though, this week has sucked. When last I posted, I was sick. And I'm still trying to get over the sinus ick. Since I'm pregnant I can't take half the stuff I'd normally take, and it's making for a long recovery. Last week was also complicated by weather (taking up a lot of extra time driving to and from work) and by multiple doctor's appointments.

On the plus side, tomorrow I'm off work to get to two appointments, and my coffee date with another mom friend has been canceled because her kiddo is sick again, so that leaves much of the day for doing me things...though I am wondering how it could possibly be that my toddler, with all his medical issues, is less sick this winter than most of my anti-vax, anti-antibiotic friends' kids.

So. Hopefully tomorrow will be productive. I've got 2 orders to fill, all that paperwork to go in the mail, and the in-process dream catchers are still waiting on the table downstairs.

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