The story of one overworked, overwhelmed working mom who wants to be a real artist....whatever that means.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Today is a snow day...

so, I'm at home instead of work. First order of business has been finishing up outstanding orders from over the holiday, and finishing up a booklet printing job for a friend.

I've also done some website cleanup - taken down items that have sold, adjusted shipping policies.

Something that's only marginally art-related (but important to the process) is that I've cleaned off my worktable today. When we sold the business inventory last year, a tornado went through the basement. I've been doing dream catchers in a 4 foot by 3 foot space between two book shelves, using the shelves as storage and working areas. Having the table clear means being able to sit and work, and being able to spread out several projects at once while glue dries, etc.

I've also printed photos for the IACA application, and made copies of my enrollment paperwork and sales tax license - and it's only lunch time.

So, today, far more than 15 minutes - this is more than my hour for the whole week - but I'm hoping to get another day or two of 15 minutes of work this week.

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