The story of one overworked, overwhelmed working mom who wants to be a real artist....whatever that means.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Still sick, but making progress

I went back into the doctor today because I still feel awful - better than Monday, sure, but definitely not *better* if you know what I mean.

That being said, tonight was supposed to be my night out of the house, but the roads are *awful* with the quarter inch of snow. So I holed up here in the basement, the disaster formerly known as my office/studio, and got to work for about 90 minutes.

One new order came in. So I got that done, and packed up to go out. Then I started on actually making some dream catchers. Back when I was selling them by the hundreds to a company in Japan, I really got into a groove, and had plans to wrap the outer rings on dozens in every size and color, and then do the webbing, so that filling orders would be easy - just beads and feathers - rather than making each order bespoke. I could just grab a mostly finished dream catcher off the wall and personalize it. I have several dozen that are that far done, and another 60-70 that are wrapped but not webbed - to make things easy I'm starting with the webbed ones.

So....I laid out 17 partial dream catchers (at which point I'd run out of space on the table):

Then I cut the webbing string shorter for ease of handling, and set up the long tail from the wrapping as the dangles. Then I started putting feathers with each one:

Beads and centerpieces will be next, and then the assembly should be pretty quick, since it's all ready to go.

All that said, I think it's time for me to take some more medicine and get myself some more rest in home of getting rid of the creeping crud sometime this month.

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