The story of one overworked, overwhelmed working mom who wants to be a real artist....whatever that means.

Monday, January 31, 2011

January wrap-up and this week's status

Monthly recap:

This month's sales (assuming no more come in today): $118. Same month last year: $40.

Website: nothing, other than killing products that had sold.

Research, etc: the paperwork for IACA is actually going out in today's mail when I'm done with this post, as is the app for the vendor card for local events.

I read up on several local galleries - Michigan is a hotbed for folk art, and I might do ok in some of these places, but they're just glorified craft malls.

Art: started on dream catchers to build up back stock.

Other: I started organizing the stuido space, cleaned off the table and the desk, and started thinking about ways to improve working efficiency. I also started making a list of things I need.


Today I got the 2 orders that needed to go out, out.

I got irritated at my "multiple spools of the same lace color open" situation, and started cleaning out short spools, filing them into the bags I have for pieces the correct length for various sized dream catchers. I've been using 4" x 4" ziplocks for this; I really ought to find some bigger bags. I'd also like to do a little bit of sorting on the feather front, because searching through these bins of mixed colors is getting irritating.

I finished laying out feathers for the dream catchers in progress. Next will be beads, centers, and assembly.

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